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[This Just In]

Trey Helliwell, 1963–2001


It was splashed all over the New York City tabloids last weekend. The Daily News dubbed it the “Carnegie Deli Massacre,” and even the more reserved New York Times gave front-page placement on Saturday to the shootings that took place in a fifth-floor apartment above the famed Manhattan restaurant last Thursday, May 10. But buried in the tragic details of a very New York story about a failed actress who’d allegedly turned to upscale marijuana dealing to pay the bills was a name familiar to many in and around the Boston music scene — Charles Helliwell III. Better known locally as “Trey,” Helliwell was one of three fatally shot victims of what appears to have been a robbery gone wrong.

Helliwell, who of late had been living in the Virgin Islands and working toward his captain’s license, was a 1987 graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. But it was as a music promoter that he made a name for himself locally in the ’90s — first through his involvement with the Northampton-based Loud Festival, then by booking summer shows at the Wellfleet Beachcomber on Cape Cod, and by the end of the decade as an independent agent who placed shows in venues including the Cape Cod Melody Tent and the downstairs room at the Middle East. His company was called Baitfish Productions, and for a time he maintained an office in a Chinatown loft that doubled as a late-night hangout for friends and scenesters. He is remembered around town as a guy who wasn’t afraid to think big and who was always a passionate booster of the bands he loved.

According to published reports, Helliwell, who would have turned 37 last Saturday, and his girlfriend Rosemond Dane, 36, were visiting the apartment of the actress, 39-year-old Jennifer Stahl, when the two gunmen arrived. Dane survived, but Stahl, Helliwell, and 32-year-old Steven King were killed. Another survivor, 37-year-old Anthony Veader, was able to call 911. The Helliwell family has created the Trey Helliwell Memorial Fund, which will support programs to teach children about the sea. Donations can be sent c/o Scott Fabyan, Salomon Smith Barney, 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109.

Issue Date: May 17 - 24, 2001